
29 April, 2015


He was always so quiet with me.

So still.

I know he was other things to other people.

But to me, he was still.

A deep breath, a calm pillar.

A picture of the God Who Listens.

He seemed to know when I needed to hear that my earrings were "cool." When I needed to know that I was noticed.

So quiet.

So still.

It is - no - it was strange to think that on another man, on a different man, his size would be intimidating. That there would or could be something about him to fear.

When everything about him made me take a deep breath. To relax.

He'd always stop, always say hello.

Once he sat and looked at every one of my nearly identical prairie pictures from an afternoon's hike. He appreciated each one of them too.

Made sure I knew he was paying attention.

There was never a question that he was paying attention.

His words on my birthday, "Happy birthday, Amy!!!" "How your servant heart shows through in all you do is such a beautiful thing to see. Serve on in the Great Kings love and know that He is pleased."

His GI Joe still sits on my office shelf. He was a welcome present, just for me.

Just for me.

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