
10 August, 2011

Last night

Apparently it's one one those days.
The days that end with you pacing the sweltering confines of your bedroom, cursing a blue streak as you question the Almighty.
Yes, one of those days.
I told someone tonight that the theme of the week was, "ugh" with undertones of menace and desperation.
It's the kind of day that ends with aching feet as the quasi-rain brings out the pain in the the one bone you managed to break so long ago.
Even the rain seems reluctant to commit fully to the evening. It's bright lightening and sharp crackles of thunder that give way to halfhearted raindrops. The entire thing is sound and fury adding to nothing and signifying even less.
It's the kind of evening that ends with In Christ Alone stuck on repeat, heard through orange earbuds jammed tight into deaf ears.
About the fourth time through the words start to really sink in. And mentally it feels like the equivalent of water soaking into dirt so cracked it looks irreparable.